
About Fibroids

Quick Facts - Fibroids

  • Uterine Fibroids are most common growths on the uterus

  • Typically occur during childbearing years

  • Not cancerous and rarely develop into cancer

  • Not associated with a higher risk of other uterine cancers

  • Also known as leiomyomas or myomas

Early diagnosis can avoid complications and lead to better treatment. If you are in search of a well-guided fibroid treatment in Dubai, Dr. Sandeep Burathokhi, an interventional neuroradiologist, can be your ideal choice.

What are Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids as frequently called, fibroids or myomas are most common benign (non-cancerous) growths of the female reproductive organ (uterus). Uterine fibroids can range in size from tiny pearls to large golf ball-sized tumors. They are most commonly found in the uterine muscular wall and can affect women of childbearing age. A large fibroid can distort both the inside and outside of the uterus. Some fibroids can grow large enough to fill the pelvis or stomach in severe cases. They have the ability to make a person appear pregnant.

Many people develop uterine fibroids at some point in their lives. About 50–70% of women of reproductive age may be affected with fibroids. However, you may be unaware that you have them because they rarely cause symptoms.

What do fibroids feel like?

The sensation or feeling associated with uterine fibroids can vary among individuals. Depending on their size, number, and location, uterine fibroids can cause a variety of symptoms.

Some women undergoing fibroid treatment may experience the following symptoms:

  • Heavy menstrual flow
  • Prolonged intervals
  • Pelvic discomfort/pressure
  • Urination that is urgent or frequent
  • Urination difficulties

In some cases, fibroids can cause complications for pregnant women, such as an increased risk of miscarriage and preterm labor.

Types of Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids can be found in various locations most frequently within the wall of the uterus where they can expand in the myometrium (Intramural leiomyoma), beneath the endometrium (submucosal leiomyoma) or beneath the serosal surface (subserosal leiomyoma).

Below mentioned are the different types of fibroids and their location:

Intramural fibroids are fibroids that form within the uterine muscular wall, arising from smooth muscle cells within the middle layer of Uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow inwards, towards the uterine cavity, (submucosal component) or grow outwards towards the outer aspect of the uterus (subserosal component).

Submucosal fibroids are proximate to the endometrium and grow toward and bulge into the endometrial cavity. Submucosal fibroids may be responsible for lower fertility rates and lead to intermenstrual bleeding and hemorrhage.The compression of the endometrium causes atrophy and erosion with bleeding.

Subserosal fibroids are masses that grow on the outside of the uterus just beneath the serosa, the organ’s outermost layer. Subserosal fibroids can range in size and severity, causing symptoms such as pelvic pain, pressure, and discomfort. Subserosal leiomyomata can be pedunculated.

Fibroids that grow on stalks or stems that protrude from the uterine wall are known as pedunculated fibroids. These fibroids with narrow vascular stalk protrude on the outer surface of the uterus (subserosal pedunculated fibroid) or protrude within the uterine cavity (intracavitary polypoid fibroid). Pelvic pain, pressure, and discomfort are all symptoms of pedunculated fibroids. Pedunculated subserosal myoma sometimes detaches from the uterus and develops an alternative blood supply from other sources, such as the omental or mesenteric vessels.

Calcification in fibroids occurs when the fibroid’s tissues undergo a process known as dystrophic calcification. These fibroids can develop in various locations within the uterus. This process involves the deposition of calcium salts, which causes the fibroid tissue to harden. As a result, the fibroid loses flexibility, which can lead to additional symptoms or complications. Infrequently, leiomyomas develop in the cervix or broad ligament and rarely in the ovary, fallopian tube, vagina, or vulva.

Unmatched UFE Fibroid Treatment in Dubai
by Dr. Sandeep Burathokhi

Dr. Sandeep Burathokhi’s expertise in performing Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) stands as a testament to his commitment to providing unmatched care for women dealing with fibroids. With a wealth of experience and a patient-centric approach, Dr. Sandeep ensures that UFE, a minimally invasive procedure, becomes a beacon of hope for those seeking relief from the challenges posed by fibroids. His proficiency in navigating the complexities of UFE, combined with a personalized touch, empowers patients to regain control over their health and well-being.

Under Dr. Sandeep’s care, UFE emerges not just as a medical intervention but as a transformative journey towards a life free from the burdens of uterine fibroids. 

Consult with Dr. Sandeep